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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Going for the Green!

There are endless possibilities when juicing and it's all a matter of taste. Ron prefers jalapeno peppers to add kick to his juice while I prefer ginger. That's what is so great about making your own juice . . . you can add whatever you want!
This morning I decided I wanted to make a green juice since all week long they've been pretty much the same orange color. I chose fruits and vegetables that were either green, white or yellow and it worked! I was tempted to throw in the rest of the raspberries, but I decided to save them until tomorrow.
Ron's post -it note this morning on the camera said "This was actually good!" He underlined "good" for emphasis. As always, I will show his photos first, then mine.
One thing I learned today . . . spinach doesn't juice very well. I saw most of it go into the roughage bin. Oh well, I tried. We eat a spinach salad twice a week and put it on our pizza once a week, so it's not like we aren't getting enough spinach.
I really liked my green juice this morning. It was very refreshing!
Ron's juice: Apple, pear, pineapple, lemon, carrot, fennel, jalapeno and spinach. 

Ron's Juice

Shirlee's Juice: Apple, pear, pineapple, lemon, fennel, celery, spinach and ginger

Shirlee's Green Juice

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