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Monday, January 9, 2012

Rule #1 . . . ALWAYS Replace the Pitcher before Juicing!

This morning was our first morning to juice separately. Ron leaves for work about a half hour before I wake up so he is choosing his own breakfast juice and when I get up I choose my own.
This morning I couldn't wait to see what he made so I got up as soon as I heard the juicer.
Ron made a wonderful combination of apple, celery, carrot, tomato and half a jalapeno pepper. He threw in some salt for added flavor. I tasted it and it was good!
I did a similar drink except I used pear, celery, carrot, blueberries and the other half of his jalapeno. I read where hot peppers help clear out your sinuses and I need that after working an entire day at the Estate Sale Warehouse. I'm allergic to dust and I was sneezing all day.
Mine was so good I decided to make another one. This time I replaced the jalapeno with an inch of raw ginger. I had rinsed out the pitcher that attaches to the Breville Juicer and left it in the sink. Well .....I got busy washing and scrubbing the fruits and veggies and forgot to put the pitcher next to the spout. Thank God I noticed it right away. I just had a little puddle of blueberry juice and was tempted to lick it off the counter but was afraid the dog walkers would see me through the window and think I was a crazy lady.
Lesson learned.
It's been an hour since I drank my two glasses of juice and I am still full.
 Pear, Blueberries, Carrot, Celery and half a jalapeno



  1. Too funny juicing!!! Nice display on your photos!! How do you like your juicer???

  2. LOVE the juicer and recommend it to anyone interested in juicing. Very easy to clean.
